
Farewell Comfort Stand (part2)


COMFORT STAND netlabel special selection part#2.

Browse the COMFORT STAND albums collection. All tracks available under
Feel free to DOWNLOAD AS MUCH MP3 AS YOU WANT or can.
"Strengh for living" by The Stalneckess found via Bizarre Records , a collection of rare awful vinyl cover art.
csr049 Pearl Of Joy - Gloria "wakka chikka wakka whikka" 2004 //
csr023 Chenard Walker - Fancy Fluid "The Lotus Opus" 2004 //
csr012 Mrs Grossman & Monty - Driver Education "Education And What" 2004 //
csr048 E. Gallun & C. Stecker - Brain Science Bicycle Fascism "Comfort Cake" 2004

csr048 Songs To Drink & Drive By - Anarchy
"Comfort Cake" 2004 //
csr048 Lullabelle - Supa Kuro "Comfort Cake" 2004 //
csr051 Chenard Walker & Chicky Arad - Childhood "Monster" 2004 //
csr006 Lullabelle - misdirection "The Trial Of Florasador Gehrboyzel" 2004 //
csr029 Dale - Part#1(spoken words) "Meet You At The 7-Eleven" 2004 //
csr511 Chenard Walker - Rock n' Roll Boy "Comfort Stand Singles #511" 2004 //
csr007 Fortyone - XXL "Different Mayonnaise" 2004 //
csr010 Georgia & August Greenberg - Big Girls "Sings Songs For You And Me" 2004
csr058 Puyo Puyo - Lilly's Box "Lullabots" 2005 //
csr023 Chenard Walker - Wizz Pop (outro) "The Lotus Opus" 2004.
I hope you'll take some time to check out the wonderful collection of FREE MP3 albums available from COMFORT STAND netlabel.
Check my submissions to YOU TUBE

1 comment:

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