Mamie Van Doren In Xanadu is a radioshow curated by Dj No Breakfast, dedicated to cool & strange music, with special affection for amateurish masterpieces, misunderstood stars, obscure geniuses. Broadcast every wednesday 7pm - 8pm on radio FMR 89.1 (Toulouse, Fr.) streaming & podcast.
How i fall in love with Mamika ! Take a look at her little son's website Sacha Goldberger and you'll understand. He is the photographer, she is the model. It's beautiful, weird and funny.
"Like the popular DJ (Disk Jockey) competitions with record-toting DJs showing off their turntable skills, the CJ Championships aimed to transplant their skills and styles to the venerable world of cassettes." -- Read more at The Make Maker Faire Magazine website : Take a look at this previous post "Copy me" from the doyouspeakenglish archive (12-02-2006):
(click postcards to enlarge)Libreville (Gabon) aerial view of The Tropicana.Bali Island - The Keris dancers at Barong & Rangda. Trance dancers enchanted by the evil of Rahgda, plundge the Keris daggers against their body. Costa Brava, Playa de Aro, Hotel Condado San Jorge.
Kid's cold orchestra - the small frogs song. CHECK OUT more songs and play live with the band at : (website in swedish ! merci Manu !)
A new eccentric way to express yourself in the streets using audio tapes and a modified tape player. Stick the audio tape on a wall, then with the "playhead spray can" (the modified tape player) you are ready to listen to the hidden messages on the tape !!! How these american students came up with that nerdy idea, i don't know, but i can't resist to post something here . The art of bricolage is always fascinating ... Listen to the walls tonight ! -- You will find all the details, photos and videos at : audiobombingproject blog. Found via WeMakeMoneyNotArt blog.
Artists from all over the world using new bombing technologies in the streets.
Graffiti Research Lab Another incredible project from The Graffiti Research Lab using a high-tech L.A.S.E.R. TAG system. In its simplest form the Laser Tag system is a camera and laptop setup, tracking a green laser point across the face of a building and generating graphics based on the laser's position which then get projected back onto the building with a high power projector.
All MP3's are included in a mix of my own; otherwise they are on this blog for illustrating and evaluation purposes only. Music is posted with respect, not for profit or to violate copyright. If you are the creator (or copyright owner) of anything posted on this blog, please contact me if you wish to have it removed immediatly. If you like the music, please go out & buy the albums.