Mamie Van Doren In Xanadu is a radioshow curated by Dj No Breakfast, dedicated to cool & strange music, with special affection for amateurish masterpieces, misunderstood stars, obscure geniuses. Broadcast every wednesday 7pm - 8pm on radio FMR 89.1 (Toulouse, Fr.) streaming & podcast.
An electronic mix from Ubunoir's radio show @ (Poland) ... Expect the unexpected, i hope you'll enjoy it as much as i do. Dig it!
RIAA's new album of mashups and cut-ups is some of the weirdest, wackiest stuff that they've recorded in the last year or two. Spike Jones, Roger Roger, old kiddie records, and rude sound effects mix with Neutral Milk Hotel, James Blunt and the soundtracks to "Psycho" and “Eraserhead”; '60s garage rock and Latin boogaloo collide with modern funky electro beatz. Whimsical animal themes abound: San Cooke dances with a chicken, Dean Martin & Nancy Sinatra harmonize with dogs, Fleetwood Mac jams with Babar the Elephant. And you'll never believe what the Jonas Brothers do... People Like Us and dj BCcollaborated. You can grab the whole thing here: Reality Is An Accident(zip file)
Or listen to it streaming/download individual tracks here: Reality Is An Accident(Fairtilizer) -- found via the Web's longest-running strange-music blog! Dedicated to extremes in music and utterly unique sounds : music for maniacs.
All MP3's are included in a mix of my own; otherwise they are on this blog for illustrating and evaluation purposes only. Music is posted with respect, not for profit or to violate copyright. If you are the creator (or copyright owner) of anything posted on this blog, please contact me if you wish to have it removed immediatly. If you like the music, please go out & buy the albums.